

The ballad, in its first conception, was a narrative song. It is one of the oldest song genres, dealing with themes like love, death, faithfulness and infidelity.

We all know ballads from different genres of music. The lyrics and narratives feed the soul. Each character plays a part in the performance, and the dancers and musicians blend together into a shared story. The music, as performed by Maarten van Veen (on piano) and Viola Cheung (on vocals), consists of ballads throughout the ages. The ballads form the musical foundation to this performance, also featuring dancers Roisin Verheul and Lorenzo Capodieci. The choreography was written by Neel Verdoorn, and the costumes were made by Asalia Khadjé.

“In all times people draw strength from the ballad, and especially now, in this bizarre time, Ballads is a reflection of now, puts it into perspective and gives comfort.”

Premiere 19 March 2022
Choreography Neel Verdoorn
Dance Roisin Verheul, Lorenzo Capodieci
Music Maarten van Veen (piano), Viola Cheung (vocals)
Costumes Asalia Khadjé
Photography Elske Verdoorn

Ballads is a coproduction of Neel Verdoorn an the DoelenEnsemble.